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BUY Now!

Now is the time to buy!  Live Jaunts are only available for a limited time.  There are only so many spots in each that are available so act fast and tell your friends.

Cubs VS Cardinals London 2020

Deadline to buy: 






This price includes an estimated event ticket only.  No transportation or hotel will be included with this selection.

This price includes an estimated event ticket, and hotel per person if you are staying in your own room.  

This price includes an estimated event ticket, and hotel per person if you are to share a room with someone.  (Include Roommate Name)

This price includes transportation, an estimated event ticket, and hotel per person if you are to share a room with someone.  (Include Roommate Name)

This price includes transportation, an estimated event ticket, and hotel per person if you are staying in your own room.  

Take an extended Jaunt to London to watch the Chicago Cubs play the St Louis Cardinals for 2 nights then spend 5 nights in Dublin, Ireland.

event date

Jun 14, 2020


Chicago, IL, USA


London, England, UK



Jun 12, 2020

Jun 20, 2020


Jaunt Today and Just Make 

Payments of



*Total based on an estimated event ticket. Price may change.  Every Jaunt is fully refundable up to 60 days before the date of departure.  After that, there are no refunds, but you can sell your spot to another person up to 7 days before the date of departure.

*Required Fields

Enter a unique group name and share with friends if you want to try to get seats together with people you know.

If you chose double occupancy and know your roommates name, enter it below.  If you don't know yet, you can do this later.

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